Gender-Based Violence
"Violence against women and girls (VAWF) is among the most universal and pervasive human rights violations, affecting at least a billion women across the globe"
International Center for Research on Women
Gender-based discrimination, abuse and violence are amidst the primary causes of homelessness for women. Although immense work and headway have taken place in the fight against gender-based violence (GBV), there continues to be unsubstantial awareness on the linkages between GBV and homelessness. Prevalent around the world, gender-based violence can range from intimate partner violence, sexual violence, harassment, exploitation and abuse, harmful traditional practices, economic exploitation, and targeted abuse against members of the LGBTQ+ community.
women are killed every hour by men globally
percent of murder suicide victims are female
percent of women report DV as the cause of their homelessness
women experience homelessness annually
women in the U.S. have been stalked in their lifetime
women in the U.S. reported rape in their lifetime